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PA Hispanic Republican Group Announces Swing District Campaign for Voters Fleeing Woke Democrats

An innovative billboard and digital campaign across three U.S. Congressional Districts will be the first Spanish language advertising from the Right in Pennsylvania

Allentown, Pennsylvania — The Hispanic Republican Coalition of Pennsylvania (HRCP), a newly formed grassroots organization that is carrying the Republican message into Hispanic communities, announced a first-of-its-kind summer billboard campaign across three swing Congressional Districts in Pennsylvania:


“Today, we are announcing a major initiative to reach Hispanic voters in Pennsylvania with a conservative message. We are confident that this is just the beginning,” said Chris Mundiath, Chairman of the Hispanic Republican Coalition of Pennsylvania. “For those who haven’t heard already, the conservative movement is growing within the Latino community, here in Pennsylvania and nationwide. We are investing in reaching the Latino community in areas like the Lehigh Valley and Hazleton where we can really make a difference.”


Mundiath continued: “Hispanic voters are tired of leftist policies, which are doing much more harm than good — in fact, there is nothing good that’s happening right now. Democrats will no longer have a stranglehold over our demographic in our Commonwealth. We are ready to lead the movement.


Albert Eisenberg of BlueStateRed, LLC, the political strategist behind the project, said: “Hispanic voters are fleeing the Democratic Party due to its sharp left turn on social and economic issues and complete mismanagement of the U.S. economy — but while they are discontent with the Woke Democrats, the Republican Establishment has been out to lunch and these voters haven’t heard from us in generations. They deserve to hear why they should be voting Republican, not just why the Democrats have disqualified themselves from leadership — so this campaign fills a necessary void.”


Eisenberg continued: “The future of the Republican Party is a diverse, working-class party, and I could not be more excited and proud to ‘be the change’ in conceiving and launching this project through the HRCP.”




The Hispanic Republican Coalition of Pennsylvania (HRCP), a Pennsylvania-based committee of grassroots Hispanic activists that is spreading the conservative message in key communities, has made a five-figure investment in billboard and digital advertising this summer in three swing Congressional Districts with significant Hispanic voter population: Pennsylvania’s Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Congressional Districts. Voters from Reading to Easton to Hazleton will be presented with compelling, clear messages that contrast the Woke Democrats with the Republican Party: the party of the American Dream, economic prosperity, protecting life, and keeping our communities safe. 


The HRCP will be conducting polling to measure the impact of its advertising and will be making additional advertising buys, as well as grassroots outreach, to Pennsylvania’s rapidly-shifting Hispanic voters before the November midterm elections.

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